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Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 6: Can Creation and Evolution Both Be Right?

Week 6: Can Creation and Evolution Both Be Right?: "

4b1. Evolutionary Creation with Programmed Outcome. The laws which govern biochemistry and biological evolution are designed to ensure that life will 'self-organize' into certain kinds of lifeforms. G-d ordained and intended our existence, and designed the process to achieve it.

4b2. Evolutionary Creation with Chosen Outcome. Biological evolution could, in theory, have followed many different paths with divergent outcomes. However, the exact path which evolution took on earth, and the final outcome we see today, were entirely ordained by G-d, since every event which appears to be 'chance' to us is actually determined by G-d.

4b3. Evolutionary Creation with Flexible Outcome. The exact path which evolution took on earth, and the final outcome we see today, were not entirely predetermined by God; rather, God gave his creation a certain degree of 'freedom.' God also knew that this process would eventually produce intelligent, personal creatures to whom he could reveal Himself. "

Note: This info is linked by the Title of this post. These words are not mine. I post these concepts with the idea of putting the entire idea to rest. Other more pressing matters demand my attention. The completion of the concepts could best be summed up by an authur who I hope will be willing to speak at a community event. AhMbDvd 10/22/07

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